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What do Sales and Personality have to do with one another?



Sales professionals have one responsibility: master the art of selling. Over my 35 years as a communication, psychology and personality expert, I have invested many thousands of dollars earning advanced degrees and paying industry experts for coaching and training. I also spent countless hours studying, and even more hours researching what it takes to create success.


In the end, experts agree that success is built on the cornerstone of great communication and great relationships. That is why I created the Six Figure Personality Success System to insure that

you have the perfect tool necessary to not only increase your sales, but also to strengthen and fortify your relationships.

Primary Colors Personality Test

Many times personality insight tools are misused. The main reason that personality tests are ineffective in the workplace is that the personality tendencies that people use when they are "happy or fine" are usually very different than the personality tendencies they resort to when they are "stressed or frustrated".


People do not have communication issues and conflict when things are going FINE. Conflict is born out of our extreme personality tendencies which surface when we are stressed, frustrated, hurt, angry, confused, etc. So the information you may get from a one-context, limited and over-simplified, four-quadrant personality test may not at all be consistent with the personality tendencies someone resorts to when they are not at their best.


That is why the Primary Colors Personality Test and Insight tools are so very different. This personality test IS a context tool and invites people to gain insight into themselves in different contexts by taking the personality test with these different life, and emotional contexts in mind. The Primary Colors Personality Test is the only test that is completely built on the contextual model and therefore is extremely accurate.


What is important to the success of relationships, whether in the workplace or personal, is one: individual awareness, because without it, we cannot assume responsibility for our own misbehaviors, and two: relationship management, which requires that we understand the perspective that another individual might be viewing the world from.

For more information, enjoy other Primary Colors Personality Types Websites below:

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