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Why not enjoy your "last resort"?

The Executive Training Resort should be your go to when you and your partner need help finding your way back to enjoying one another. Don't take a chance on losing the most important relationship in your life.

Everyone faces relationship challenges. Some couples come through challenging times stronger, while other couples fall into a cycle of destruction where interactions go from bad to worse. Your marriage needs healing attention. If you are arguing, fighting, bitter, confused and the thought of going home stresses you out, you should seriously consider taking advantage of a wonderful last resort. Marriage is not supposed to make you miserable, tense, unhappy and lonely. If you are thinking about getting some help with your marriage, I highly recommend attending a couples therapy retreat that can save your marriage before it’s too late.

Of course, couple’s argue and disagree.   However, what some couples are experiencing feels more like the hunger games. Many couples are confused and wonder “What went wrong? We started out so deeply in love.” Let me make it simple for you. You have acclimated to your partner to the point that you no longer appreciate, respect and admire what they bring to the relationship. If relationships were easy there wouldn’t be a nearly 50% divorce rate.   Relationships are complicated. In order for you to understand “What went wrong?”, you must learn to understand YOU, and your partner, more deeply.

Many couples are afraid of how much a marriage counselor might cost. It is a legitimate concern, but you have to ask yourself, “What is saving my marriage worth?”  One of the best ways to cut down on costs is to combine the resort vacation your relationship so desperately needs, with a program guaranteed to bring relational and personal insights to both you and your partner.  Marriage retreats offer education, exercises and counseling and you get a needed vacation out of the deal.

Some people wonder what is best, visiting a marriage counselor once a week for a period of time or attending a marriage couples retreat? The difference is that at a marriage intensive retreat, you will be immersed in a relaxing foreign, relaxing environment sharing information and experiences that can alter your way you “always-already” perceive and define your relationship. Will it be worth the time, energy and money?  That depends. If you value your marriage and no longer want to simply exist together by truly connect and enjoy one another then the answer to that question should be an obvious, YES.  For YOU, your partner, and your children you should do what it takes to keep your marriage happy and alive. A couple’s therapy retreat can save a marriage and the marriage it can save, is yours.

Marriage counseling shouldn’t be your last resort, it should be at a Resort.

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